Live Call #14 – Special 2 (or more) hours with interactions (open mic)

1.) We will start off with a personal letter from Valerie Robitaille who gives us a brief summary of the past 5 years: how the project began, what happened and present status.
2.) Hope will discuss the recent online suppression and trolling  problem around the project and how we are fighting back.
3.) Mini QEG (TeslaGenV1) update from Tivon
4.) The Clean Energy Academy direction going forward
5.) James will present a detailed description of the tuning of the QEG and afterward will open the microphone for interaction with the builders. In his own words: “We’re going to invite everyone on the project, and we’ll start with a summary of where we stand at this point. We’ll talk over everything that I’ve done and learned up to this point together, in technical detail, and it will be an open mic discussion (one at a time, so we don’t get a lot of background noise etc.). The point is to make sure everyone understands the technical aspects of how I’ve been going about this. We’ll take as much time as necessary to get everyone on the same page.”
If you have been following the progress of the QEG – The People’s Free Energy Device – you will want to join us for this one!
If you are not a member of The Academy please make your contribution below and we will send you an invitation and instructions for the call. If you cannot attend at that time we will send you a download link to the recording within 7 days.
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