Electro-Biohacking: A true free-energy technology 2018 ESTC presentation

For full presentation: http://www.emediapress.com/go.php?offer=robitai&pid=122

Electroculture is the science of using high voltage to influence the growth of plants; plants grow faster, stronger, and need less nutrients, pesticides and other additives. Many of these methods simulate the Earth’s natural dielectric field that exists between the ground and the ionosphere.

Throughout almost three-hundred years of experiments, field trials, stringent academic research, etc., it has become indisputable that simply using electrostatic potential can drastically alter how plants grow.

Another benefit is that if only high voltage potential is used, current is not flowing so energy is not expended on the plant. The only energy loss is in the transformer’s magnetizing losses in order to create the high voltage field. It is a true free-energy technology because the increase in growth in the plants is way more than the energy expended to treat them.

​​​​​​​Watch preview of Aaron’s presentation below:


For full presentation go here: http://www.emediapress.com/go.php?offer=robitai&pid=122

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