Please share this with everyone you know. It is the best telling of the QEG story that will change history. The amazing voice you hear is our friend and “Fairy Godmother”, Wilhelmina. She is one of our greatest supporters and benefactors who is making this project possible for the whole world. She tells the QEG story from one who makes it her business to stay abreast of development. Bless her heart, she has not been the least bit concerned about the trolls who have abused us all, including her, and is in step with the QEG family – always moving forward. Without Wilhelmina we would not have gotten to where we are today….THE LAST STAGE.
You can donate to the QEG R&D fund which will go directly to James Robitaille’s family’s survival. Every donation is appreciated as the family has given their all to this project for the prospect of a better future for humanity and the planet. To read more about us please visit our websites.
To donate please go here: