QEG Beginners Course – Build A Free Electricity Generator!
The QEG renewable energy course for beginners was taught live for 10 weeks, recorded and is now available to the public. You can purchase individual class video and their accompanying supporting documents, or purchase the entire 10-week set. Read more…
QEG Basics Package – includes 8 hours of webinars!
The QEG Fuel-less Generator Basics Package is a set of instant downloads with lots of extra help and webinar information to help you start building your own free energy generator. Read more…
QEG Course PDFs
QEG Beginner’s Build Course Supporting Documents (PDFs) sold separately or as a discounted set. Read more…
QEG Course Audios and PDFs
QEG Course Audios (mp3) and supporting documents (PDFs) sold separately or as a discounted set. Read more…
QEG Complete Package – includes 32 hours of webinars!
The QEG Fuel-less Generator Complete Package is a set of instant downloads with lots of extra help and webinar information to help you start and finish building your own free energy generator. Read more….