The QEG renewable energy course for beginners was taught and recorded live for 10 weeks, and is now available to the public for purchase. For the beginner in free energy, the building basics described here for the QEG will spark your enthusiasm and confidence that you can build your own potentially fuelless generator and join the Fix The World/QEG global co-development movement, whose aim is to positively influence the end poverty due to lack of access to energy.
Learn at home at your own pace!
Purchase separately, or all 10 and receive a discount and bonuses.
QEG Class 1 Video & Supporting Documents: Core & Insulation Choices

$40.00 $27.00
QEG Class 2 Video & Supporting Documents: Base, Resonance, Parts

$40.00 $27.00
QEG Class 3 Video & Supporting Documents: Core Assembly & Capacitors

Video: Greetings to this week’s new students. Introduction of our Administrative Angel (ACS). Discussed details of type, weight and length for magnet wire for purchase / presentation of accompanying document. Discussion of capacitor selection and recommended capacitor bank configuration. Presentation and discussion of photos /video clips; assembling core components into completed core unit (installing shaft and shrouds on rotor, aligning rotor in stator bore, end plate installation. Answered previously submitted email questions 63 minutes
PDF: Assembly of core components into finished core units; capacitor selection; magnet wire specs. 178 pages
$40.00 $27.00
QEG Class 4 Video & Supporting Documents: Core Mounting & Drive System

Video: Excellent NEW end plates wiring diagram from Electronics Engineer Tivon Rivers provided; description of mounting the completed core assembly onto the generator base; presented specifications for drive system components, including pulleys, v-belts, drive motor, bridge rectifier, and variac, with drawings/photos; discussed options for possible future use of solid-state SCR drive in place of variac with photos/specs; discussed and provided complete, updated QEG Parts List. 78 minutesPDF: External wiring diagram; description of drive system components; complete, updated QEG parts list. 52 pages
$40.00 $27.00
QEG Class 5 Video & Supporting Documents: Initial Mechanical & Electrical Setup

Video: Presented options for wiring, terminal blocks, etc., with photos; described recommended initial startup and testing procedure; discussed Hazards and Cautions involved with initial testing; presented and reviewed Ivan Rivas’ professional Cad drawing package; answered in-class questions from students; announced ‘call for experiments’ post on be-do website. 80 minutes
PDF: Photos depicting options for wiring, terminal blocks, etc.; startup and testing procedure; Hazards and Cautions involved with initial testing; Ivan Rivas’ professional CAD drawing package. 24 pages
$40.00 $27.00
QEG Class 6 Video & Supporting Documents: Load Bank & Protection Gap

$40.00 $27.00
QEG Class 7 Video & Supporting Documents: QEG Operational Description

Video: Presented photos of 12-outlet strip and socket adapter (follow-up from last week’s class); Provided detailed conceptual description of Parametric Oscillation/Resonance based on “QEG Mechanically Pumped Parametric Transformer” (included document); Described “sweet spot” testing (included test data); Discussed QEG RPM vs. Frequency vs. Power Output parameters; Explained concept and expected results from additional coils experiment on be-do website; Presented class assignment calling for most popular questions regarding QEG technology. 82 minutes
PDF: Photos of 12-outlet strip and socket adapter; “QEG Mechanically Pumped Parametric Transformer” (document); “sweet spot” test data; QEG Synopsis/call for experiments; original WITTS setup with additional feedback coils over secondaries schematic. 15 pages
$40.00 $27.00
QEG Class 8 Video & Supporting Documents: Safety, Interactions & 3 Rs Pt 1

Video: Explained safe operation and interactions to expect when testing the QEG; Discussed techniques for making safe measurements of voltage and current; Showed photos and explained operation of recommended test equipment; Discussed necessity and possible configuration of electronics applied to the QEG; Discussed interfacing the QEG to household mains / utility grid (w/reference documents); Showed construction of 7MHz resonant antenna system (for reference only); Provided documents and discussed targeted results of additional coils experiment; Answered previously submitted email questions. 91 minutes
PDF: Includes revised QEG Cautions-Hazards document, electronic regulation, self-looping, and mains/grid interface reference documents, photos/description of recommended test equipment, antenna reference design, revised set-up and test document, call for experiments document. 32 pages
$40.00 $27.00
QEG Class 9 Video & Supporting Documents: 3 Rs Pt 2, Exciter Coil, Grounding

Video: Described interaction of 2nd and 3rd resonance with 1st (parametric) resonance; discussed exciter coil history, original construction, and experiments to date (with photos); discussed exciter coil alternate constructions (with photos); explained concept of radiant energy insertion (with drawings); discussed antenna and grounding concept (with reference drawings);discussed concept of “RF Energy via Ionosphere” (provided document for study). 110 minutes in 2 parts
PDF: Includes updated original schematic, exciter coil development photos, photos and videos of Tesla hairpin radiant energy experiments, “RF Energy via Ionosphere” document (for class study), Litz wire specifications and supplier info., photos of ground network components, photos of suggested generator wiring layout. 43 pages
$40.00 $27.00
QEG Class 10 Video & Supporting Documents: 3Rs-Part 3, Antenna & Radiant Energy

$40.00 $27.00
QEG Beginner’s Build Course – 10 Class Package + Bonuses