Nikola Tesla’s flying saucer: Electromagnetic field lift experiments (video)

Nikola Tesla, inventor of alternating current motors, did the basic research for constructing electromagnetic field lift-and-drive aircraft/space craft. From 1891 to 1893, he gave a set of lectures and demonstrations to groups of electrical engineers. As part of each show, Tesla stood in the middle of the stage, using his 6′ 6″ height, with an … Read more

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New wave energy device to be developed in Pembrokeshire

Cornwall-based Wave-tricity has secured £4m in EU funds through the Welsh Government to develop and test a new device called the Ocean Wave Rower The latest project to develop and test a wave energy device off the Pembrokeshire coast will be launched today. The £5.8m scheme by Cornwall-based company Wave-tricity has secured £4m in EU … Read more

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Nanostructured device grabs more solar energy to disinfect water faster

In many parts of the world, the only way to make germy water safe is by boiling, which consumes precious fuel, or by putting it out in the sun in a plastic bottle so ultraviolet rays will kill the microbes. But because UV rays carry only 4 percent of the sun’s total energy, the UV … Read more

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The QEG is a Real Free Energy Device (video)

THE QEG IS THE REAL DEAL! There are over 100 QEG’s that are being built in over 40 countries and this is just  that we know of. We know this because one of the manufacturers that we work with that makes the QEG cores has sold over 100 of them. Also the QEG academy personally … Read more

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